►  Über Marrlen:
I like to be attractive and sexy for passion people. I like to show my emotions! Sometimes, I can be very sharp, but I like to be shy! With me, you can speak about the innermost dreams you have ever had! I need you to be real, honest and open-minded. Please, do not hesitated of your dreams and actions. It drives me hot to tease you and make you hard...
 ►  Erotische Interessen von Marrlen:
Oralsex, Pornographie, Schlucken, SM-Sex, Spanking, Wachs-Spiele, Live-Dates
 ►  Beschreibung von Marrlen:
Alter: 28 / Krebs
Aus: Kherson, Ukraine
Sprachen: Englisch
Größe / Figur: 167cm normal
Geschlecht: weiblich
Vorlieben: heterosexuell
Haarfarbe: braun, mittellang
Piercing: keins
BH-Größe: 90 B
Hautfarbe: weiss
Augenfarbe: braun
Rasur: vollrasiert
Charakter: Dominant, Naiv, Romantisch, Zärtlich
 ►  Hobbys von Marrlen:
Fitness, painting, dancing, horse riding, singing karaoke

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